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At Caregiver Resource Center OC, we are proud to offer resources and education to family caregivers, no matter where they are in their caregiving journey.
Browse our articles below to find important information on caregiving, disease-specific information, and policy updates.

4 min read
Nutrition Tips for Caregivers: How to Ensure Mealtime Nutrition and Safety
As a caregiver, cooking and prepping meals for your loved one is often the best way to help them. Depending on their condition, your...

3 min read
Home Safety - How to keep your loved one safe at home
Caring for someone within their home or your own is a great way to maintain comfort and independence for an aging or ailing loved one. As...

3 min read
How to Access the COVID-19 Vaccine
If you’re caring for an aging or ailing loved one in 2021, you likely have a lot of questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Questions...

4 min read
Stages of Caregiving
Caregiving is more often than not an unexpected role borne of necessity. It’s one that is usually thrust on you when you least expect it,...

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Caregiver Mental Health
Family caregivers are often at a higher risk for mental health illness than the general population. This is because the role of...

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Can I Get Paid To Be a Caregiver?
Can I Get Paid to be a Caregiver in Orange County? The short answer is, maybe. Caregiving is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet...

3 min read
Socially Distanced Activities with your Care Recipient
Social distancing has become the buzzword of the last year, and with good reason. Keeping yourself and loved ones socially distanced is...

3 min read
Updates to the Paid Family Leave Act in Orange County - 2021
The state of California recently passed a lot of new laws aimed at health and employers that went into effect on January 1, 2021. Today...

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Caregiving for Someone Who Doesn't Live Nearby
Family caregiving is an official term that recognizes the informal (unpaid) commitment and sacrifices thousands of us make each year to...

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Caregiving During the Holidays
The holidays for many caregivers are a season of joy and excitement - an opportunity to spend extra time with family in celebration. A...

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Preparing for a Doctor's Visit
As a caregiver, you are often asked to coordinate, offer transport to/from, and attend doctor visits. This is especially true if the...

3 min read
Connecting with your Care Recipient
Caregiving for a loved one comes with no manual. More often than not, you’re forced to figure it out as you go. The start of a caregiving...

3 min read
How to Identify Signs of Dementia
What is dementia? As we mentioned, dementia is a term used to generally describe symptoms that cause a cognitive impact on daily life....

2 min read
Caregiving as a Millennial
Millennials are emerging as the next generation of family caregivers in California. An estimated 10 million millennials - or roughly 1 in...

4 min read
Should I Join a Caregiver Support Group?
Caregivers offering support to an ailing or aging loved one are faced with an ever-changing and often escalating set of challenges. This...
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